Gaining Insight into Operative Performance: Analysis of an Automated 360-Degree Feedback Tool Among Perioperative Staff

Annals of Surgery Open Conclusions: “A 360-degree feedback tool is feasible, and feedback is perceived as valuable and actionable for surgeons and surgeon leaders. The intraoperative focus provided surgeons with specific feedback on how to improve within the operating room to promote efficiency, teamwork, and patient safety.” Read the Full Article Below: Gaining Insight into......

How Physicians Change [using PULSE 360]: Multisource feedback driven intervention improves physician leadership and teamwork

Surgery Conclusions: “Baseline multisource feedback scores vary by specialty and improve based on feedback, goalsetting, coaching, and education. In particular, physicians who start with low scores have the greatest potential for leadership teamwork index improvement.” Read the Full Article Below: How Physicians Change: Multisource Feedback-Driven Intervention Improves Physician Leadership and Teamwork...

Use of (PULSE) 360° Feedback to Develop Physician Leaders in Orthopaedic Surgery

Journal of Surgical Orthopaedic Advances Conclusions: “Twelve service chiefs participated in PULSE 360° feedback surveys and coaching as part of a departmental leadership development activity. Changes in the means of both composite survey scores and individual behavioral item scores over time were evaluated with paired t tests. Agreement between self-rating and rating of others was......

Innovations in 360-Degree Physician Feedback Survey Programs: What HR Needs to Know

HR Pulse Magazine    Conclusions: “The 360-degree assessment process can address complex physician issues and enable each physician to receive feedback on their hard-to-measure professionalism and interpersonal communication skills, often associated with patient safety and outcomes. Many physicians who receive developmental feedback will self-correct. Others will receive positive morale-boosting feedback enhancing their engagement and retention.......

Leadership development in a professional medical society using (PULSE) 360-degree survey feedback to assess emotional intelligence

Surgical Endoscopy Conclusions: “Emotional intelligence as conceptualized in this study was positively related to overall performance ratings of potential leaders. The ever-increasing roles and potential responsibilities for Professional Medical Associations (PMAs) suggest that these organizations should consider multisource performance reviews as these potential future PMA executives rise through their organizations to assume leadership positions with......