Stretch Beyond “Evaluation” to “Education”
Use the automated “Quality PULSE 360 Performance Review” platform for employed physicians to:
Benchmark their performance against national physician and provider norms
Reinforce strengths
Identify opportunities for improvement
Increase accountability
Reward top performance
Onboard new providers
Flag burnout potential
Develop performance improvement plans when necessary
The Quality PULSE 360 not only gives benchmarked feedback on performance, but—for the lower performers—the program provides: consultation support, over 90 online educational modules, and short-term telephone coaching to assist them in improvements.
Get Automated 360° Feedback on All Six Physician Core Competencies
Using automated and anonymous 360° feedback from each physician’s healthcare team members, the Quality PULSE 360° System (Physicians Universal Leadership-Teamwork Skills Education) provides perceptual feedback that reinforces effective behaviors, increases self-awareness, and promotes accountability. When the Quality PULSE 360° indicates developmental opportunities, we provide the specific tools—goal-setting, coaching, and training—needed to drive improvement.
Motivate the “Not-as-Good” to Good, the Good to Great, and the Great to Greater
Not only can the Quality PULSE 360° System identify high potential future leaders, but it also helps prevent problems by providing data-driven feedback (and automated tools) for self-correction. The feedback delivers an early warning sign for emerging problems so they can be quickly addressed and resolved. Leadership can assess progress for those working on improvement, communicate the behaviors the department or facility values, and, most importantly, acknowledge and validate the physicians who are doing well to support and sustain their engagement, motivation, and quality of care.
Credible Feedback, Benchmarks, & Training
Physicians get feedback from their team members that is benchmarked against PULSE’s national normative sample of physicians, including many specialty comparison norms. Over 15,000 healthcare professionals have received feedback from nearly 1,000,000 PULSE surveys. PULSE 360 has been used by more than 700 healthcare organizations, including seven Harvard hospitals (Mass General, Brigham and Women’s, etc.), Johns Hopkins, and a wide range of academic, rural, urban, practice groups, and community healthcare organizations.
To learn more about physician development, call us at:
305-285-8900 (US)
416-800-9203 (Canada)