Posts filed under: Publications

Multisource Evaluation of Surgeon Behavior is Associated with Malpractice Claims

Annals of Surgery Conclusions: “Surgeon behavior, as assessed by 360-degree review, is associated with malpractice claims. These findings highlight the importance of teamwork and communication in exposure to malpractice. Although the nature of malpractice claims is complex and multifactorial, the identification and modification of negative physician behaviors may mitigate malpractice risk and ultimately result in the improved quality......

Can 360-Degree Reviews Help Surgeons? Evaluation of Multisource Feedback for Surgeons in a Multi-Institutional Quality Improvement Project

Journal of the American College of Surgeons Conclusions: “360-degree evaluations can provide a practical, systematic, and subjectively-accurate assessment of surgeon performance without undue reviewer burden. The process was found to result in beneficial behavior change according to surgeons and their co-workers.” Read the Full Article Below: Can 360-Degree Reviews Help Surgeons? Evaluation of Multisource Feedback......

Do 360-degree Feedback Survey Results Relate to Patient Satisfaction Measures?

Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research Conclusions: “The relationship between Quality PULSE 360 feedback scores and measures of patient satisfaction reaffirm that feedback from work team members may provide helpful information into how patients may be perceiving their physicians’ behavior and vice versa. Furthermore, the findings provide tentative support for the use of team-based feedback to......

Good to Great: Using 360-Degree Feedback to Improve Physician Emotional Intelligence

Journal of Healthcare Management Conclusions: “To be successful as a physician, particularly in today’s rapidly changing healthcare environment, requires both cognitive and emotional intelligence. Existing evidence suggests that investing in 360-degree screening of physician EI and offering education and other developmental interventions, where appropriate, to improve EI may bolster the historically neglected core clinical competencies......

Managing Stress in the Orthopaedic Family: Avoiding Burnout, Achieving Resilience

Journal of Bone and Joint Conclusions: “The results of our national survey highlight the continued prevalence of these problems within the academic orthopaedic community. Left unaddressed, burnout and psychological dis- tress can lead to patient care errors, decreased marital harmony, and physician impairment. As physicians, it is our responsibility to recognize and address impairment in......